Dental Fillings

What are dental fillings?

Dental fillings are used when you get a cavity or decay on the tooth. The dentist cleans it out, drills out the cavity, and replaces it with a filling material, usually a white composite or a resin material. In some cases, it can be amalgam, the old silver fillings.

Can fillings be avoided?

Absolutely, with excellent home care, good brushing, flossing, and diet, you can avoid having cavities. However, if you do get cavities, once the cavity reaches a certain depth into the tooth, we need to fill it.

Can dentists do tooth fillings without drilling?

Yes, in rare cases. There are other treatments depending on the severity of the cavity. Some offices use lasers to treat cavities, others may use air abrasion. But 99% of the time, treating a cavity involves some drilling.

What are the different types of fillings in dentistry?

The most common filling material used today is a composite resin. There's also amalgam fillings, the old silver fillings. Then, there are gold fillings, and ceramic fillings, which can be made in the office on the same day.

Can my dental fillings match my tooth color?

Yes, your dental fillings will always match the color of your teeth. We use white fillings or ceramic fillings, and we pick out the exact shade, or very close to the exact shade to match your natural teeth.

Does a dental filling procedure hurt?

The dental filling procedure will not hurt because you will be anesthetized. Once you receive the injection, there is no pain.

Can I brush my teeth after getting a tooth fill?

Yes, after a filling, you can and should brush and floss like you normally would, or even more diligently, to avoid having other fillings in the future.

Do dental fillings need to be replaced?

There is no set lifespan for dental fillings. It really depends on wear and care. They'll wear down over time, but with good brushing and flossing, you can have them for a very long time.

How much does a tooth filling cost?

The price of a tooth filling varies greatly. It depends on how big it is, which tooth it's on, and where in the tooth it is located. Generally speaking, if you have dental insurance, they'll contribute something towards the cost.

How can I contact you if I need a filling done or have any other questions?

You can give us a call at (845) 393-9059.

Detecting and addressing cavities early can help prevent the necessity for more intricate and costly dental procedures.


If cavities are identified before significant decay occurs, the tooth can typically be restored with a filling.

Once a tooth develops a cavity, the decay will persist and spread unless the affected area is removed and the tooth is appropriately restored. Neglecting to treat cavities in a timely manner may escalate the need for more extensive restorative treatments such as crowns, bridges, root canals, or dental implants.

Tooth-Colored Fillings

In the past, metal (amalgam) fillings were common; however, tooth-colored composite material is now the preferred filling material. This composite material seamlessly blends with the natural tooth color, making it less noticeable than metal fillings. Additionally, tooth-colored fillings are less susceptible to temperature-related sensitivity compared to metal fillings.

Furthermore, composite fillings have gained popularity due to the absence of mercury, a component present in metal fillings. Many patients opt to replace their older amalgam fillings with tooth-colored fillings for this reason.

Post-Filling Instructions:

  • Refrain from eating or chewing until any numbness from anesthesia subsides.
  • If supervising a child who has undergone treatment, ensure they refrain from eating or chewing while still numb to avoid potential injury to their soft tissue.
  • Avoid sticky, crunchy, or hard foods for the first 24 hours.
  • Any sensitivity to cold or heat, as well as soreness, should resolve within a few days.
  • If you experience persistent pain or discomfort beyond a few days, please contact our office.