General Dentistry

Comprehensive Evaluation / Oral Examination

An oral examination entails a thorough visual inspection of the mouth, head, and neck, aimed at identifying any abnormalities. Radiographs are employed to augment this assessment, facilitating the detection of cavities, issues with existing dental restorations, gum and bone recession, or other irregularities within the oral, head, and neck regions.

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Dental X-rays serve as invaluable diagnostic tools for identifying decay, supernumerary teeth, bone irregularities, tumors, and cysts and monitoring the progress of prior procedures. Recent advancements in technology have introduced digital X-rays, which significantly reduce radiation exposure by over 50 percent and yield instant, high-quality images accessible to both dentists and patients.

Wellness 1


Dental cleaning, also referred to as oral prophylaxis, involves the removal of dental plaque and tartar (calculus) from the teeth. Specialized instruments are used to gently eliminate these deposits without causing harm to the teeth. The process typically begins with an ultrasonic device emitting vibrations and cooled by water to dislodge larger tartar pieces. Subsequently, manual hand tools are employed to meticulously remove smaller deposits and smooth tooth surfaces. Once all tooth surfaces are free from tartar and plaque, polishing is performed.


Fluoride, a natural substance known for strengthening teeth and preventing decay, is administered as a crucial component of pediatric dental treatment. Fluoride treatments involve the application of fluoride in gel, foam, or varnish form directly onto the teeth.


Dental sealants, composed of a safe resin material, are applied to tooth surfaces, primarily permanent molars, to prevent cavities. These sealants fill in tooth crevices, creating a barrier against cavity-causing agents such as food and plaque. The application process involves prepping the teeth and directly painting the sealant onto the chewing surface, which then hardens. Sealants can typically be applied on a single visit.


Mouth Guard

Custom Mouth Guards

Many sports necessitate the use of mouthguards to safeguard athletes' teeth during practice and gameplay. Particularly common in contact sports, mouth guards cover the gums and teeth to provide comprehensive protection for lips, gums, teeth, and dental arches. A well-fitted mouthguard has the potential to mitigate the severity of dental injuries.

Learn more about Custom Mouth Guards

Scaling And Root Planning

Scaling and root planning represent non-surgical procedures utilized in the treatment of gum disease. During scaling, specialized dental instruments are utilized to remove dental plaque and calculus from beneath the gums. Subsequently, planning is conducted to smooth the tooth roots, promoting gum healing and reattachment to a cleaner and smoother root surface.


When a tooth cannot be salvaged with restorative materials, extraction may be necessary. The procedure involves numbing the area with anesthesia, followed by loosening the tooth with a dental instrument known as an elevator. Stitches may be required post-extraction.